Modified Interest Subvention Scheme (MISS) is a central sector scheme by the Government of India which is fully funded for giving concessional short term credit to the farmers. Launched in the 2006- 07 fiscal year, the scheme is designed to provide cheap credit to the farmers engaged in agriculture and allied activities.

Key features of Modified Interest Subvention Scheme

1. Interest subvention rates

For banks: The government offers an interest subvention of 2% to banks, which has been reduced to 1.5% for the financial years 2022-23 and 2023-24.

For farmers: Farmers can avail short-term crop loans up to 3 lakh at a subsidised interest rate of 7% per annum. An additional incentive of 3% is provided for prompt repayment, effectively reducing the interest rate to 4% per annum.

2. Loan coverage

The scheme covers short-term crop loans and has been extended to include working capital for activities related to animal husbandry and fisheries. Farmers involved in these sectors can avail loans up to 2 lakh under similar interest subvention benefits.

3. Enhancement of loan limits

Through the Union Budget 2025-26 the government introduced an increase of short-term crop loan limits under MISS from 3 lakh to 5 lakh. The government has made this change to boost financial backing available to farmers through higher assistance for their expanding agricultural expenses.

Implementations and monitoring

The scheme is implemented and monitored by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). Through Public Sector Banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Cooperative Banks and Private Sector Banks operating in rural and semi urban areas, they ensure that the interest subvention benefits reach the farmers.

Support during natural calamities

The scheme provides relief to the farmers to the extent of providing an interest subvention of 2% for the first year on restructured amount of crop loans in the events where the farmers are affected due to natural calamities. This is a measure to ensure that farmers are able to recover and continue with their agricultural activities while giving them the financial support they need.

In conclusion, the Modified Interest Subvention Scheme is an important tool for providing credit at an affordable rate to the farming community of India. The scheme also eases the financial burden on the farmers and at the same time the scheme also encourages repayment of the loans on time by offering concessional interest rates and incentives for early repayment of the loans. 

(Note: Raising a loan comes with its own risks. So, due caution is advised)

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