Call it marketing, publicity stunt, or customer attraction during an inflationary time, a New York city skincare company has gained attention online for selling eggs at half price, in the costly metropolis. The Ordinary, grabbed eyeballs after a customer posted their reciept for a dozen eggs sold for $3.37 at the skincare company’s NYC store.

The bill was posted on Reddit sub r/nyc and another similar post was also made on r/SkincareAddiction. The second post however was deleted for being “outside the purview” of the skincare subreddit.

Notably, according to local media reports by the NBC News channel and New York Times, egg prices in the United States have seen a meteoric rise — from just over $4 in January to $18 in the last week of February amid the bird flu outbreak. Egg prices averaged to over $8 per dozen in March 2025.

The Ordinary Selling Eggs? Legit or Scam?

While it seems unlikely that a cosmetics company was selling eggs, and cheaper than grocery stores, the reciept posted on Reddit was legitimate. Moreover, the brand’s Instagram account posted twice about the egg sales over the weekend. We can thus safely say that this is something that did indeed happen.

In its first post, which has over 94,000 likes, The Ordinary said, “We heard NYC needed eggs. This weekend, you can get 12 ordinarily priced eggs at our stores for $3.37. No frills, just eggs. While supplies last.”

The outlets listed for sale were the company’s shops at Nolita (26 Prince St, NYC) and at 5th Avenue (475 5th Avenue, NYC). The second post for the “ordinarily priced eggs” also had over 5,900 likes and seemed to be well recieved by customers.

How Did Netizens React? ‘Ridiculous… Whoa! Good marketing! Smart!’

Reactions under both posts on Reddit were a mixture of shock, questions, and awe, with some confused whether a cosmetics shop could sell food and others marvelling at the marketing genius. One user exclaimed: “That’s f***ing ridiculous lol” to get a response saying: “It’s also kinda smart”.

Another questioned the pricing, saying: “This would make sense as the Ordinary markets itself as affordable Dermatologist quality skincare. my question is; where are they getting the eggs that they can price them like this? is this coming at a loss?” Another user theorised in response: “It makes me think that it is a marketing campaign that they’re investing in.”

Other users were shocked: “Ayo? Do all their locations sell eggs cause thats really cheap”, and “Damn. Watch out now. Lines going to be circling all kinds of blocks.”

On Instagram the responses were largely positive, saying: “This is good marketing” and “The marketing here is genius !! So on brand”.


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